Meta for Work and Education ISV application
Is your company actively deploying commercial solutions today? *
Is your company actively developing Meta Quest solutions? *
How are enterprises using your solution(s)? (Select primary) *
How are enterprises using your solution(s)? (Select secondary) *
What hardware/platforms do you currently support? (Select all that apply.) *
What is your estimated annual income? *
Approximately how many people are employed by your company, across all locations? *
What markets do you support? (Select all that apply.) *
Please indicate the functional capabilities/resources of your organisation. (Select all that apply.) *
What verticals do you specialise in? (Select primary) *
What verticals do you specialise in? (Select secondary) *
What type of solution do you offer/develop? (Select all that apply.) *
In what capacity, if any, would you like to work with Meta Quest? (Select all that apply.) *
How many customers do you currently have? *
Select country *
United States of America